Thursday, October 8, 2009

intervew with the kitty

What is your favorite color:wed
what is your favorite animal: iffy favote kitty,tause it be me
What is your favorite food: i titty eat dut
what is your favorite plant:aah duch aah bem my mommy
who is your best friend: ummmm ina minut,si cilly an du bowsy bow
are you a kitty:hmm-hmm
well i just wrote whatever she said.


Christine Frandsen said...

I love Amari!

And you for interviewing her!
And your whole family for being so awesome.

vfg said...

Kitty Amari?

this was very funny to Reuben and I :)

(hooray for Irelynd blogging!!)
I love & miss you.
Aunt V